Comprehensive Review


The State Hazard Plan for Fire provides an overview of arrangements for the management of fire in Western Australia (WA) and contains information on fire prevention, preparedness, response and initial recovery. The Fire and Emergency Services (FES) Commissioner, is the Hazard Management Agency (HMA) for fire. Additionally, DFES, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and local governments all have legislative roles for the hazard of fire.

As this is a strategic level plan, it refers to a range of existing plans and documents relating to fire but does not duplicate the information. The Plan provides directions to websites or other sources where further information can be obtained.

Comprehensive Review Process

Every five years, a comprehensive review of this Plan is required to be undertaken and provided for broad consultation with all emergency management stakeholders.

To guide the comprehensive review process, DFES defined the following objective and principles for their review:


Develop a Plan designed to inform WA stakeholders of prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery arrangements to limit the impact of the hazard of fire on the community of Western Australia.

  • Establish a strategic level emergency management plan (not an operational plan)
    • Remove agency specific initiatives or procedures
    • Remove duplication
  • Provide clarity of roles and responsibilities across the hazard of fire
  • Provide stability of arrangements – ability to withstand changes in the legislative & regulatory environment
  • Identify and address gaps
  • Align with State Emergency Management Framework
  • Provide necessary statement of fact changes
Initial Consultation

Initial feedback was requested from internal DFES stakeholders and agencies with roles and responsibilities within the State Hazard Plan. All local governments were requested to join this initial consultation period.

Broad Consultation

The amended Plan is now provided for broad emergency management stakeholder review and feedback. Broad consultation will be open from 17 September 2024 to 09 December 2024. Please submit your feedback by close of business on Monday 09 December 2024.

DFES will be continuing communication and engagement with stakeholders regarding the proposed Plan throughout this consultation period.


Proposed Amendments

The following amendments (not exhaustive) were proposed to address relevant initial consultation feedback captured and to align with the review's guiding principles:

  • Introduced collective responsibility and roles across sectors of society. These main sectors are used throughout the structure of the plan: ‘Individuals and Communities’, ‘Industry and Public Sector’, and ‘Public Authorities/Agencies’.
  • Introduced jurisdiction, areas of responsibility and tenure concept to align with current operations, provide clarity and emphasize the State EM principle of shared responsibility. Removed arrangements structured by fire type (bush fire vs. structure fire).

As significant portions of the Plan were restructured to align with the review principles, please review the entire proposed State Hazard Plan – Fire draft for a detailed understanding of the proposed arrangements prior to submitting feedback.


Comprehensive Review Timeline

This timeline sets out the anticipated dates for a submission to the State Emergency Management Committee for approval.
  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Comprehensive Review: April - August 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Broad Consultation: September - December 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Consideration of feedback: September - December 2024

    Your feedback will be considered throughout the open consultation period and may lead to further amendments to the plan.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Endorsement: December 2024

    Submission to Response Policy Subcommittee for endorsement

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Approval: December 2024

    Submission to SEMC for approval

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Publication: December 2024

    The new document will be published and the emergency management sector will be advised.

View the Draft


Frequently Asked Questions